A bit of history
Some years ago I created my blog with Jekyll and it has been working well ever since.
I have never been a huge fan of Ruby, but because of requirements or convenience I’ve built apps with it (Rails / Sinatra / Jekyll / etc).
I used to like Jekyll because I could write my posts in Markdown which is super easy to write and edit.. When I started my blog, I took a theme called Lanyon and tweaked it a bit. That was enough for me.
But recently I find that I only install Ruby and Jekyll to manage my blog (I mostly develop with Node). I tried to develop my blog inside a Docker container, but this was extremely slow.
Some weeks ago, one of my colleagues at work told me about Gatsby Since I was already learning React and had started looking at GraphQL (after attending a talk at Nordic.js)—I was very interested in giving it a try.
Migrating from Jekyll to Gatsby
One of the biggest concern about migrating from one generator to another is how you move the data. In my case, I have around 45 posts so it is not a big deal to convert from one type to another, but still manual work that I wanted to avoid.
Luckily Gatsby works with Markdown and it can take the data from your YAML front matter block, so you don't have to change anything. You just need to install gatsby-transformer-remark
Then, in your gatsby-config.js
file add:
My blog is clean and simple, I don't need too much CSS. Instead of bloating my blog with a theme I added Tachyons. I managed to replicate 99% of my previous theme with classes from Tachyons. Something that I would like to do better is to remove the parts of Tachyons that I’m not using.
My current CSS file has less than 30 lines. The rest of the layout is created with tachyons classes.
Slug + Date
This was the only "tricky" part, since I wanted to preserve the same page names in order to make a 1:1 transition. This was not possible with the default behavior from Gatsby. I don't have a date
field in my front matter block, so I need to extract the date from the file name.
The slug in my case is generated with this (default in Jekyll) structure:
How did I create it? Inside my gatsby-node.js
I used the onCreateNode
extension API to tweak the slug:
I used to deploy to GitLab Pages, but I noticed that from time to time it’d go down, so I’m now testing Netlify which has almost the same CI workflow:

Some key points:
- Node instead of Ruby
- Much faster development workflow e.g. hot reload out of the box
- I can query the data I need and transform it before using it. (I'm looking into the
to recreate the Atom Feed) - React and GraphQL for free with Gatsby
- Since I am confident with the Node ecosystem I'm able to contribute: First pull request to Gatsby
- Netlify vs GitLab Pages (hopefully 100% uptime)
Final thoughts
Although the blog is the same, in content and look, the way that is created has completely changed. For me it is a whole new experience—easier, and faster.
I wanted to move the blog to Node a long time ago and it is finally there!
Next is to convert my portfolio (also built with Jekyll).
Show me the code
If you want to take a look at the code you can do it, it is published in GitHub.