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Hacktoberfest Spotlight: A More ‘Polite’ MDX Embed Plugin

Enabling the community to easily write and release plugins for use with Gatsby is an absolute hammer of an idea. It gives Gatsby enthusiasts like myself a way to easily get started with open source by providing a solid foundation for us to build on. Then, once you’ve got the plugin basics down you can really let your imagination run wild. This is the story of how I combined my interest in markdown / MDX with the Gatsby plugin ecosystem to contribute a brand new open source plugin, `gatsby-mdx-embed`. And now I'm looking for #hacktoberfest contributions to help the project reach its first major milestone, a stable v1.0.0 release.

Paul Scanlon
Paul Scanlon October 13th, 2020

hacktoberfest, markdown, plugins

Life Before and After Gatsby Recipes

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