Getting Started With TypeScript in Gatsby
TypeScript support in Gatsby is even better now! Learn how you can start a new project with TypeScript in Gatsby and benefit from all the new features.

Netlify announces the next evolution of Gatsby Cloud. Learn more
TypeScript support in Gatsby is even better now! Learn how you can start a new project with TypeScript in Gatsby and benefit from all the new features.
Want to try building your first Gatsby site? Gatsby Software Engineer Obinna Ekwuno and Senior Software Engineer, Documentation, Megan Sullivan are leading Getting Started with Gatsby, sponsored by Contentstack. The free half-day workshop covers core concepts behind using Gatsby, like querying data with GraphQL and working with a headless CMS. You’ll learn how to optimize for accessibility, routing and creating pages programmatically...And how to leverage the vast Gatsby ecosystem of starters, plugins, and themes to quickly create a fast, secure, scalable website -- and deploy your site to live hosting for free, in minutes!
Gatsby Recipes help automate common site building tasks like automate package and plugin installation. Recipes can even generate pages and code! In his Gatsby Days presentation Sam Julien, Senior Developer Advocate Engineer at Auth0, walks viewers through building a Recipe to automatically set up authentication in a Gatsby site.
For new front end developers, the sheer number of technologies available can be overwhelming. After Derek Murr graduated from coding bootcamp he found that Gatsby helped him get right to work building projects to help jump start his career -- instead of configuring tools.
The Service Relief Project is a boilerplate for launching blazing-fast zero-cost directories of local resources to help donors find local fundraisers for workers and businesses in your area who've been affected by mandated shutdowns around the world.
A common challenge while building apps is setting up authentication. In this video, Jason Lengstorf and Ado Kukic build a Gatsby app using Auth0 to create a login-protected dashboard.