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Creating Routes


  • Using Collection Routing

There are multiple ways to create routes in Gatsby.

Creating individual pages

The simplest way to create a page is to export a React component from a page located in the src/pages directory. For example, exporting a component from src/pages/about.js will create a route at /about. More details in the Routing Reference

Collection Routing

Gatsby supports multiple templated pages based on a single component. For example, a file located at src/pages/products/{Product.name}.js can generate pages like /products/burger, based on information coming in from a CMS or other data source. For details, look at the File System Route API documentation.

Creating pages from Markdown

In order to enable a better content composition experience, Gatsby allows you to create both individual pages and dynamic routes using either Markdown files or MDX files.

Using gatsby-node.js

If you need more fine-grained control over routing, you can programmatically create pages in gatsby-node.js. More details in the Routing Reference

Dynamic and Authenticated routing

For pages dealing with sensitive information, Gatsby lets you create client-only routes that live behind an authentication gate.

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