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Deploying to Azure Static Web Apps

Azure Static Web Apps is a service that automatically builds and deploys full stack web apps to Azure from a code repository. Azure is a large cloud platform with hundreds of services working together to give you serverless, databases, AI, and static website hosting. The Azure Static Web Apps service is meant to be used with static websites. It provides features like hosting, CDN, authentication/authorization, continuous deployment with Git-triggered builds, HTTPS, the ability to add a serverless API, and much more.


  • A Gatsby project set up. (Need help creating one? Follow the Quick Start)
  • A GitHub account
  • An Azure account


You can get started with Azure Static Web Apps by following their Publish a Gatsby site to Azure Static Web Apps guide.


Azure Static Web Apps doesn’t support advanced features like SSR, DSG, or Image CDN. You can get all features and faster builds by signing up to Gatsby Cloud.

Additional resources

There’s much more to learn about Azure Static Web Apps such as working with routes, setting up custom domains, adding a Serverless API, and much more. Below are some useful links:

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