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Deploying to AWS Amplify

AWS Amplify is a combination of client library, CLI toolchain, and a console for continuous deployment and hosting. The Amplify CLI and library allow developers to get up & running with full-stack cloud-powered applications with features like authentication, storage, serverless GraphQL or REST APIs, analytics, Lambda functions, & more. Hosting includes features such as globally available CDNs, easy custom domain setup + HTTPS, feature branch deployments, and password protection.


  • A Gatsby project set up. (Need help creating one? Follow the Quick Start)
  • A GitHub account


You can get started with AWS Amplify by following their Gatsby with AWS Amplify guide.


AWS Amplify doesn’t support advanced features like SSR, DSG, or Image CDN. You can get all features and faster builds by signing up to Gatsby Cloud.

Additional resources

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