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Adding an SEO Component


  • Using Gatsby Head

Adding metadata to pages (such as a title or description) is key in helping search engines like Google understand your content, and decide when to surface it in search results. This information also gets displayed when someone shares your website, e.g. on Twitter. Using the Gatsby Head API you can change the document head of your pages.

Gatsby automatically provides drop-in support for server rendering of metadata and it’ll be added to the static HTML pages that Gatsby produces. This helps your site rank and perform better in search engines.

By the end of this guide you’ll have a SEO component that you can use in your pages to define metadata.


  • A Gatsby project set up with gatsby@4.19.0 or later. (Need help creating one? Follow the Quick Start)


Add siteMetadata

The siteMetadata section of the gatsby-config file is available in the GraphQL datalayer. It’s considered best practice to place your site metadata there. The siteUrl should be the URL of your deployed target (e.g. production domain) so that later metatags can point to absolute URLs.

Add the following keys to your configuration:

You can always extend the siteMetadata object and subsequently customize the <SEO /> component to your liking. When defining the image like above, make sure that you have an image with the same name and file extension in the static folder.

Create a useSiteMetadata hook

Since you need to use the information that you just placed inside siteMetadata with the SEO component, you can create a custom React hook called useSiteMetadata to fetch that information. This way you can reference these values in other places, too.

Create a new file called use-site-metadata.jsx in src/hooks. Query the information from the site interface through a useStaticQuery hook:

You’ll be able to directly get title, description, etc. from this hook.

SEO component

Create a new file called seo.jsx in src/components. Your SEO component will receive things like title, description, children, etc. as props and the information from your useSiteMetadata hook is used as a fallback if no props are passed. For things that won’t change on a per-page basis (e.g. the Twitter username) the useSiteMetadata hook data is directly used.

Here’s the complete SEO component:

All props are optional since each value has a default value or fallback. The pathname prop will be the relative path of the page so you need to construct an absolute URL with siteUrl.

You can extend the seo object with other keys, but it’s recommended to follow the pattern of prop || fallback so that no value is undefined.

Usage in pages

When you just want to use the default values of your SEO component (e.g. on the homepage) you can import it and render it without any props:

To override individual values use the defined props on the SEO component:

To add one-off metatags to a page, provide children to the SEO component:

Additional Information

Data block <script> tags such as <script type="application/ld+json"> can go in the Head function, but dynamic scripts are better loaded with the Gatsby Script Component in your pages or components.

If you want to edit the <html> or <body>, please read the Gatsby Head reference guide.

Rich Snippets

Google uses structured data that it finds on the web to understand the content of the page, as well as to gather information about the web and the world in general.

For example, here is a structured data snippet in the JSON-LD format (JavaScript Object Notation for Linked Data), that might appear on the contact page of a company called Spooky Technologies, describing their contact information:

You can use the Rich Results Test from Google during local development to check if you pass valid information.

After deployment, their Rich result status reports may help to monitor the health of your pages and mitigate any templating or serving issues.

Additional Resources

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