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Jeff James

Jeff James

There can never be too much coffee or too many books. Director of Content Marketing at Gatsby.


Announcing the Gatsby Agency Directory

We've launched the Gatsby Agency Directory, a new resource to help agencies find clients and companies to find Gatsby-savvy agencies.

Jeff James
Jeff James June 9th, 2022

Agencies, Agency Pricing Plan, announcements, Gatsby Agency Directory, Launch Week

Resources for Using Gatsby With Sanity.io

Resources for Using Gatsby With Contentstack

Resources for Using Gatsby With Drupal

How Vint.co Is Securitizing Wine Investing With Gatsby and Contentful

Gatsby Best of 2021 Agency Awards: The Winners

GatsbyConf Interview with Gatsby Co-founder and CTO Kyle Mathews

The Best Events For Web Developers in 2022

What You’ll Learn at GatsbyConf 2022

How to Improve Website Lighthouse Scores

Choosing the Best Page Rendering Mode(s) For Your Gatsby Site

Introducing the Gatsby Best of 2021 Agency Awards

A Guide to Useful Contentful + Gatsby Content

What’s New in Gatsby 4

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