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The Best Events For Web Developers in 2022

Jeff James
February 11th, 2022

With the pandemic still wreaking havoc on the in-person event world in 2021, many people in the web development community are anxious to see what 2022 will bring.  While we expect to see an increase in physical events, virtual and hybrid-style events will likely still dominate the first half of the year.

No matter the format, we’re excited to see the development community springing to life with a myriad of interesting conferences, workshops, and more.  We believe events are a crucial part of personal and professional growth as they are amazing places to gather knowledge and new learnings, to meet like-minded people to network with and develop bonds within the community, and to stay on top of industry trends and direction.

Note: Before we get into the actual events, please note that these dates are all subject to change due to the ongoing pandemic. What you see here is the most current info we had at publication about these events. It’s always a good idea to check with specific event organizers directly for the most current dates and schedules. 

2022 Events for Web Developers


  • Feb 16-18: PHP UK Conference (In-person / $) – One of the largest PHP conferences in Europe, PHP UK offers three days of sessions, workshops, and other events, held at The Brewery in London.  [Register Here]
  • Feb 17-18: Node Congress (Online / $) – A conference focused on Node.js that highlights serverless and JavaScript backend topics, primarily for full-stack and back-end web developers.  [Register Here]
  • Feb 24-25: UX Live Conference (Online / $) –  An online conference focused on providing educational content for digital design, product design, and UX/UI professionals.  [Register Here]


  • March 2-3: GatsbyConf (Online / Free) – The latest edition of the online GatsbyConf conference focused on GatsbyJS and the Gatsby Cloud hosting service. Consider us biased, but this is a must-see conference for front-end developers! See how the GatsbyConf site was made and check out the GatsbyConf agenda.  [Register Here]  
  • March 16-17: StrapiConf (Online / Free) – Organized by open-source headless CMS vendor Strapi, this the second annual online (and free) conference for the Strapi development and user community. [Register Here]
  • March 24-25: DevOps.js Conference (Online / $) –  Focused on JavaScript developers, DevOps.js provides a plethora of sessions, talks, and workshops given by renowned JavaScript experts. [Register Here]


  • April 9: WordCamp Geneva (In-person / $) – WordCamp Geneva 2022 will offer WordPress advocates  a chance to catch up on the latest developments in the WordPress ecosystem. [Register Here]
  • April 23-24: WordCamp Vienna (In-person / $) – WordCamp Vienna 2022 provides WordPress developers an opportunity to learn about the latest developments in the WordPress ecosystem. [Register Here]
  • April 25-28: DrupalCON (In person / $) – The Drupal community’s largest yearly event will be held in person this year at the Oregon Convention Center in Portland, Oregon.  [Register Here]


  • May 24-27: UXLX Conference (In person / $) – The UXLx Conference will be held at the FIL Meeting Center in Lisbon, Portugal, and will feature dozens of sessions, workshops, and talks on UX/UI design.   [Register Here
  • May 25-27: CityJS Conference (In person / $) – Held in Athens, Greece this conference is focused on JavaScript frameworks as well as”…NodeJS, TypeScript…Jamstack, CI/CD, Security, [and] WebXR.”      [Register Here]
  • May 30 – June 30: International PHP Conference (In person / $) – A PHP-focused conference providing sessions, workshops and talks detailing how PHP can be combined with platforms and technologies “…such as Symfony, Docker, Kubernetes, JavaScript, and TypeScript.” [Register Here]


  • June 2-4: WordCamp Europe (In-person / $) One of the largest developers conferences for the European WordPress Community, WordCamp Europe will be held in Porto, Portugal.  [Register Here]
  • June 9-10: CSS Day (In-person /$) – The 8th edition of a technical conference dedicated to deep-dives on CSS coding and design, aimed at more advanced CSS users.  [Register Here]
  • June 20-23: Smashing Conference (In person / $) – Focused on front-end developers and web designers, SmashingConf returns to San Francisco in an in-person format in 2022. [Register Here]

We plan on updating the post on a regular basis, especially when more information about 2H 2022 conferences becomes available later in the year. Many thanks to JD Peterson (@JD_peterson) for contributing to this post, and please reach out to the post author on Twitter (@jeffjames3) if you have any feedback.


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There can never be too much coffee or too many books. Director of Content Marketing at Gatsby.

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