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Using Gatsby & Storybook To Document Your Design System

A design system is more than a component library. IBM, Capital One, and Thumbtack have all used Gatsby to document not just their component libraries but the design system in which they're used. Teams valued the great content composability experience, ability to pull in data from third party systems, rich experience for internal users, and ability to solicit feedback from non-developers they got with Gatsby.

Garrett Dimon
Garrett Dimon March 29th, 2021

Case Studies, component-libraries, documentation

Building Cabrillo College’s Drag-and-Drop Gutenberg + Gatsby Site

How Hi-Rez Studios Built Their Web Infra On Gatsby & WordPress

London’s Royal College of Art Goes Virtual with Gatsby

Diem.com: Unlocking Creative Velocity with Gatsby + Headless WordPress

The New Gatsby Docs: Redesigned. Reorganized. Renewed.

RealCedar.com: Going 5x Faster with Gatsby + WordPress

Creating a Content Marketer’s Paradise

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