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Update Week: Gatsby’s Greatest Hits in 2021 and 2022

Over the past year, I’ve been working on the framework squad, and one of the streams of questions we often receive is about the benefits of updating to Gatsby v4 (and soon, v5!). We often see user complaints about the experience on older versions, which motivated me to write this blog post walking everybody through all of the changes that we’ve made since then and what I wish I knew more about in my previous role. Through this writing, I hope to show the Gatsby of two years ago is not the same Gatsby we know today.

Josh Johnson
Josh Johnson September 26th, 2022

build-times, Gatsby Cloud, gatsby-file-system-route-api, gatsby-functions, gatsby-hosting, gatsby-preview, updateweek

How we’re Scaling Gatsby To Millions Of Pages

Update Week

Incremental Deploys: A New Generation of Content Publishing

Getting Started With Gatsby Features: Server-Side Rendering

Kassian Wren
Kassian Wren September 20th, 2022


Robinson & Henry, P.C.: Award-winning Law Firm Sets Industry Gold Standard With Gatsby

Comparing website performance: Gatsby vs Next vs Nuxt

Scaling RSG Builds With Gatsby’s Data Layer

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