Official CMS Starters
Going headless
never looked so good
Create experiences that are beautiful, unique, and fast—no matter which CMS your team uses. Complete with powerful data-sourcing plugins and beautifully designed components that you can reuse or customize to your liking, Gatsby’s official CMS starters let you have a fully-functional, decoupled site running on Gatsby Cloud in minutes.
Gatsby Starter
WordPress + Gatsby
WordPress is one of the world’s most widely-used CMS platforms, and is used to power websites of all sizes. WordPress is easy-to-use for content editors while being loaded with powerful extensibility options that make it popular with developers.
Gatsby Starter
Contentful + Gatsby
One of the leading headless CMS platforms, Contentful has been a driving force behind the industry’s explosive growth in the headless web.
Gatsby Starter
Drupal + Gatsby
A popular CMS platform that is both free and open-source, Drupal powers websites of all sizes, from personal, single-page blogs to websites for large enterprises and government agencies.
Gatsby Starter
DatoCMS + Gatsby
A central hub for company content, DatoCMS helps developers and content creators manage content in one place and publish across multiple channels simultaneously.
Gatsby Starter
Sanity + Gatsby is the unified content platform that powers better digital experiences.
One More Thing
Figma Community Files
These Figma files complement our starters, helping your team customize the design and content of your Gatsby starter site before hitting the code.
Bring your own CMS
Don’t see your favorite CMS listed yet? We have more official starters in the works, but Gatsby’s powerful data layer lets you source content from just about anywhere — so feel free to build your own starter and share it with the community in the Gatsby Starter Library.