Gatsby Plugin For Wordpress
The Fastest Frontend For WordPress
When your Content Management System needs to be WordPress, your front-end needs to be Gatsby. Gatsby increases the performance, security, and scalability of WordPress.
Unshackle Your WordPress Instance
Blazing Fast Responsiveness
WordPress websites that are powered by Gatsby are incredibly smooth and responsive, with millisecond load times and prefetched delivery on the edge.
Improve WordPress Security
WordPress sites using Gatsby as a frontend have no active web server and no reachable database, thus presenting no attack surface. This approach prevents malicious requests, DDoS attacks, and accidental exposure.
Create Richer, Integrated Experiences
Gatsby can integrate WordPress content into complex, organization-wide websites which may combine WordPress content with content from other CMSs and web services.
The Same Great Content Creation Experience
Take advantage of Gatsby Preview, Incremental Builds, and seamless Gatsby Hosting with Gatsby Cloud!

Deploy to the edge
The fastest way to deliver the fastest Wordpress sites
Gatsby Cloud serves up your Wordpress instance from a powerful edge network that makes the speed and scalability of your Gatsby Wordpress site unmatched. Pages load in just milliseconds, and your lighthouse scores will never be higher!
Instantly Preview Content Before You Publish
Preview and collaborate on draft content from WordPress before it gets published to production. Share a unique URL that can be used to test or gather feedback about upcoming changes to your site.
Learn more about Gatsby Cloud Preview.
The Power of WordPress, the Speed of Gatsby
Take advantage of a modern developer workflow. Store your code in a git repository, connect it to Gatsby Cloud, and build and test your website in the fastest static-site CI/CD pipeline on the planet.
See your changes near instantaneously with Previews and Hosting on Gatsby Cloud that are optimized to make building websites on the Jamstack a breeze.
Gatsby Cloud deploys the your Wordpress site as static files from your our powerful edge network - meaning that your users will get even quicker load times for your pages.
Even if it’s a single, small WordPress site, knowing that it can be converted to something with a lot of interactivity on it is really important. It’s easier now for us to use Gatsby than to start a new HTML page and put some Javascript up
Doug Smith
Hi-Rez Studios
Gatsby Cloud
Ready to get started?
Get started building, previewing, and deploying your website in minutes.