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Open Source Sponsorship

Host your open source project with Gatsby Cloud for free

As an open source project ourselves, Gatsby is committed to being a steward for the community by encouraging the growth and adoption of open source projects around the world. To help us achieve that mission, Gatsby Cloud will proudly host the website of open source projects for free.

What you’ll have access to

  • a unified, powerful CI/CD engine to help build your Static Gatsby site
  • access to Previews on Gatsby Cloud giving you the best tools in the Jamstack to edit content with
  • a Global Edge network to host your project on for faster performance for your end-users

How to apply

Email us at support@gatsbyjs.com with a link to your Github project and a brief synopsis about what your open source project does and well get back to within a business day.

Once accepted, we’d ask that you continue to follow the Stipulations and Limitations below.

Stipulations and Limitations

  1. Your code must be public
  2. You must have an open source license
  3. The project must have a Gatsby website
  4. The Gatsby banner in the footer of each site page.
  5. The Gatsby banner in the source repository’s README.md file.
  6. All links back to Gatsby should use a UTM tag with the format: https://gatsbyjs.com/?utm_source={projectName}&utm_campaign=ossupport.
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