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🎨 Gatsby WordPress themes

Project Status: Active. code style: prettier

A Gatsby theme for WordPress, using Decoupled Architecture. Front end in React. Backend in WordPress.

gatsby theme phoenix hero image

Video Demo

*** 👨‍💻 Please star my repo to support my work 🙏 ***

🔥 Features

  1. Uses React with Gatsby ( Blazing Fast )
  2. PWA ( Works Offline )
  3. Image Optimization ( blur effect )
  4. ACF
  5. GraphQL ( with wp-graphql on WordPress )
  6. Blog Page with Pagination
  7. Offline Search Feature
  8. Categories, Archive Page, Custom Home Page
  9. Custom Widgets, Menus
  10. Yoast seo support

👨‍💻 Maintainer

Name Github Username
Imran Sayed @imranhsayed

🌐 Live Demo

gatsby theme phoenix demo

🚀 Set Up

Gatsby Site Setup

  1. Installation:

npm i gatsby-wordpress-theme-phoenix

  1. Add the following configuration to your gatsby-config.js and put your WordPress Site URL in wordPressUrl e.g. https://example.com
module.exports = {
	plugins: [
		// Tell gatsby which theme you will be using.
		resolve: "gatsby-wordpress-theme-phoenix",
		options: {
			wordPressUrl: 'xxxx',
            frontendUrl: 'https://example.com'
	} ]

Also add the following to your .env file and set the GATSBY_ELEMENTOR_SUPPORT GATSBY_SIDEBAR if you would like the theme to support page and post building with elementor and sidebar.


WordPress Site Setup

WordPress Setup

  1. On your WordPress site, download, Upload and activate all the plugins from wordpress/plugins folder of this repo, into your WordPress Site.

a. Headless CMS b. wp-graphql c. wp-graphiql d. ACF WordPress plugin e. wp-graphql-acf f. Yoast-SEO g. wp-graphql-yoast-seo

    • Set Header menu as HCMS Header Menu
    Header Menu Demo
    • Set Footer menu as HCMS Footer Menu.

      Footer menu demo
  1. You can also set text widgets in #HCMS Footer #1 and #HCMS Footer #2 under Appearance > Widgets in WordPress.

  2. Import all the ACF data from wordpress/acf-data json file of this repo, into WordPress by going to WordPress Dashboard > Custom Fields > Tools > Import

  3. Create a Home Page ( if there isn’t one already )and make sure you have a home page and Location rule is set to Home page.

ACF menu screenshot
  1. Add the ACF required data on the Home page from WordPress Dashboard.
  2. If isn’t already set your site title, description and logo from WordPress customizer.

Styles used by elementor

Check in the source

  • id=‘elementor-icons-css’
  • id=‘elementor-common-css’
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