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Parses AsciiDoc files using Asciidoctor.js.


npm install gatsby-transformer-asciidoc

How to use

// In your gatsby-config.js
plugins: [`gatsby-transformer-asciidoc`]

A full explanation of asciidoc can be found here: Asciidoctor.js

You can also pass all Asciidoctor’s convert options to the transformer. An example would be:

// In your gatsby-config.js
plugins: [
    resolve: `gatsby-transformer-asciidoc`,
    options: {
      attributes: {
        showtitle: true,

Parsing algorithm

It recognizes files with the following extensions as AsciiDoc:

  • adoc
  • asciidoc

Additional extensions can be configured via the fileExtensions option:

// In your gatsby-config.js
plugins: [
    resolve: `gatsby-transformer-asciidoc`,
    options: {
      attributes: {
        showtitle: true,
      fileExtensions: [`ad`, `adoc`],

Each AsciiDoc file is parsed into a node of type asciidoc.

Set imagesdir

You also can define where the asciidoc file can find the images by setting the imagesdir attribute.

// In your gatsby-config.js
plugins: [
    resolve: `gatsby-transformer-asciidoc`,
    options: {
      attributes: {
        imagesdir: `/images`,

In the asciidoc file you can insert your image just by using: image::myimage.png[]


  • If no imagesdir is set the default value is /images@
  • Don’t use relative images paths because the images might not be copied automatically to the location where the converted asciidoc html file will to located.
  • In case a pathPrefix is set it will altered the images location.
  • In case you want to be able to override the defined imagesdir inside of your asciidoc file you have to end the path with a @ (e.g. /images@).

How to query

A sample GraphQL query to get AsciiDoc nodes:

  allAsciidoc {
    edges {
      node {
        document {
        author {
        revision {

Add new node attributes in the asciidoc file

You can define in the asciidoc file your own data that will be automatically be attached to the node attributes.


= AsciiDoc Article Title
Firstname Lastname <author@example.org>
1.0, July 29, 2018, Asciidoctor article template

:page-title: Article
:page-path: /my-blog-entry
:page-category: My Category

Each attribute with the prefix page- will be automatically added under pageAttributes so it can be used with GraphQL.

  allAsciidoc {
    edges {
      node {
        pageAttributes {

Define a Custom Converter

You can define a custom converter by adding the converterFactory option.

// In your gatsby-config.js, make sure to import or declare CustomConverter
plugins: [
    resolve: `gatsby-transformer-asciidoc`,
    options: {
      converterFactory: CustomConverter,

CustomConverter is a custom javascript class you’ll need to create. Information on how to write a custom CustomConverter can be found at the asciidoctor docs.

In the example below, we will use a custom converter to convert paragraphs but the other nodes will be converted using the built-in HTML5 converter:

const asciidoc = require(`asciidoctor`)()

class CustomConverter {
  constructor() {
    this.baseConverter = asciidoc.Html5Converter.$new()

  convert(node, transform) {
    if (node.getNodeName() === "paragraph") {
      return `<p>${node.getContent()}</p>`

    return this.baseConverter.convert(node, transform)

gatsby-transformer-asciidoc takes then this class, not a instance of CustomConverter, as the converterFactory option. You can also reuse the internal converter of gatsby-transformer-asciidoc, since the constructor of a given CustomConverter will be call with it as parameter.

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