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Gatsby theme for a styled serverless contact page using Netlify Forms. It can also be customized to work with other backend services than Netlify by shadowing the form component.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Form submission by default only works on Netlify because it uses Netlify Forms. For other hosting services you have to override the form.

Theme preview


  1. Install the theme and (optionally) theme-ui:

    npm install gatsby-theme-contact theme-ui gatsby-plugin-theme-ui
  2. Add the configuration to your gatsby-config.js file:

    // gatsby-config.js
    module.exports = {
      siteMetadata: {
        // Links to your social networks:
        social: [
            url: 'https://github.com/Pyrax',
            name: 'GitHub'
      plugins: [
          resolve: `gatsby-theme-contact`,
          options: {
            contactPath: '/contact',
            successPath: '/thanks'
  3. Shadow details-component to customize your address etc. (this is where you might need theme-ui)

    // src/gatsby-theme-contact/components/details.js
    /** @jsx jsx */
    import React from 'react'
    import { jsx, Themed } from 'theme-ui'
    const Details = () => (
        <Themed.h3 sx={{ mt: 0 }}>Address</Themed.h3>
          David Mathews
          <br />
          1011 Malesuada Road
          <br />
          Moscow Kentucky 77382
        <span>(357) 616-5411</span>
          <Themed.a href='mailto:email@example.com'>email@example.com</Themed.a>
    export default Details

Available options

Key Default value Description
contactPath /contact URL of the contact form.
successPath /thanks URL of the form action where users without JavaScript will land.
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