Gatsby theme Ágora
A Gatsby theme to generate simple events and conferences landings pages.
See the live demo generated from the template repository!
- Customize the design (based in bootstrap5) by overwriting the components in the gatsby site that uses this theme
- Different agendas for different days based in a yaml file
- Speakers detail and summary based in markdown files
- Organizers summary in a yaml file
- Static pages as markdown files
- Talks with none or more than one speaker based in markdown files
- Venue in GoogleMaps (without a GoogleMap key)
Not yet but prioritized:
- Sponsors
- Different venues per agenda (partially implemented)
- i18n and support for different languages
- PostEvent documentation (images, videos, etc)
- Stats in the home
You can open a PR with the label “proposal” to ask for more features!
Getting started
Option 1 (recommended): Using the template
You can use the template repository of the demo site that is fully configured and ready to be used.
Option 2: Follow the following steps
Install the theme
Install the theme dependency in your gatsby site
yarn add gatsby-theme-agora
Add the theme in your gatsby-config.js
module.exports = {
plugins: [
resolve: "gatsby-theme-agora",
options: {
siteUrl: "",
Configure and add content to your conference site
All the configuration and content resides in the /content directory in the root of the gatsby project.
The structure should be similar to this:
├── agenda.yaml
├── links.yaml
├── organizers.yaml
├── config
├── config.yaml
└── images
├── banner.png
└── logo.png
├── pages
├── speakers
└── talks
Add the Configuration file
The general configuration can be set in the content/config/config.yaml file, the default information is
Important note with images: if your received the error “Cannot return null for non-nullable field ConfigYamlConferenceInfo.xxxImage”, check if the relative path for the image is correct. This happens when the image can’t be found.
# optional, the language of the site
language: en
# required, the site url
# optional, the footer notes. You can specify null to remove all the footer notes.
# They can be written in markdown
footerNotes: Created with [Gatsby Theme Agora](
# required
name: Awesome Conference
# required
claim: A great conference for developers and other mystical creatures
# required
date: 5th May, Bilbao
# required
logoImage: images/logo.png
# required
hashTag: "#conference"
# required
shareImage: images/banner.png
# optional
text: Get your ticket!
link: ""
# required
description: A little description for the conference, what is the audience, why is interesting to the people and this kind of stuff
# optional
text: Agenda
link: "#agenda"
# required
# required
venueInformation: |
Jardin Botánico s/n
48902 Barakaldo, España
Adding an speaker
You can create a markdown file with the speaker data in the content/speakers
The markdown file should have the following meta structure:
key: required, the key for the speaker
name: required, the name of the speaker
title: optional, the company title
image: required, the path to the image file, for example images/speaker.png
twitter: optional, the twitter username
linkedin: optional, the linkedin username
github: optional, the github username
Text for the bio
Adding a talk
You can create a markdown file with the speaker data in the content/talks
The markdown file should have the following meta structure:
key: required, the key for the talk
speakers: required, an array for the speakers, for example [ speaker ]
title: required, the title for the talk
The talk description
####3 Adding the talk for an agenda slot
You should add the talk to the content/agenda.yaml
file in order to be shown in the agenda.
The talk is added by its key, for example:
- type: talk
track: 1
key: the_talk_key
slot: "16:30 - 17:10"