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This project is a Gatsby source plugin used to fetch Odoo data into your Gatsby application.


npm install gatsby-source-odoo


// In your gatsby-config.js
module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      // This plugin was designed to be declared only once (but accept as many connections as you want).
      // Don't declare it more than once, otherwise bad things can happen (this can be easily improved).
      resolve: 'gatsby-source-odoo',
      options: {
        connections: [
          // Here you can declare as many connections as you want.
            url: process.env.ODOO_URL,
            database: process.env.ODOO_DB,
            username: process.env.ODOO_USER,
            password: process.env.ODOO_PASS,
            models: [
                odooModelName: 'addon_foo.tag',
                gatsbyModelName: 'AddonFooTag',
                odooFields: {
                  // There is no need to declare field types, because this plugin infers automatically!
                  'title': {},
                  'content': {
                    // Optionally change or transform the value right after Odoo data fetching.
                    // Very useful to enforce type consistency.
                    change: (value) => value || '',
                  'slug': {},
                  // Automatic post relationship.
                  'post_ids': {},
                  'create_date_time': {
                    // This ensures a default value when fetched Odoo data is a boolean "False" (Odoo annoyances).
                    // Very useful to enforce type consistency. This is a shortcut for the "change" option.
                    default: '',
                odooDomain: [['post_ids.website_ids.name', '=', 'www.example.com']],
                odooModelName: 'addon_foo.post',
                gatsbyModelName: 'AddonFooPost',
                odooFields: {
                  'title': {},
                  'content': {},
                  'slug': {},
                  // Automatic tag relationship.
                  'tag_ids': {},
                  'publish_date_time': {},
                odooDomain: [['website_ids.name', '=', 'www.example.com']],
                // Optionally declare additional fields to be added into Gatsby model.
                extraFields: {
                  image_sources: {
                    type: '[String!]!',
                    // The "source" object gives you access to any Odoo field declared previously.
                    resolve: source => getImageSources(source.content),
                  video_sources: {
                    type: '[String!]!',
                    resolve: source => getVideoSources(source.content),
                  short_content: {
                    type: 'String!',
                    resolve: source => getShortContent(source.content),
            // Optionally declare a "Garbage Model" to clean Gatsby nodes when it gets deleted on Odoo.
            // Ensure that this model has two fields "model_id" and "model_name".
            garbageModel: {
              odooModelName: 'addon_foo.garbage',
              gatsbyModelName: 'AddonFooGarbage',
              odooFields: {
                'model_id': {},
                'model_name': {},


  • Allows multiple connections from multiple Odoo instances.
  • Automatic field type inference.
  • Automatic many2many and many2one relations (missing one2many implementation because I never needed it).
  • Allows value transformation and customized extra fields.
  • Incremental data update: once it fetches all Odoo records, successive calls only fetches modified data.
  • Optional garbage collector: ensures data deleted on Odoo gets deleted on Gatsby.
  • Multi-language support: automatically detects installed Odoo languages, and fetch records for each language.


Any contribution are welcome.



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