A Gatsby source plugin for sourcing the
files at the root of the master branches of each of your Github repositories into your Gatsby application.
The plugin creates markdown File
nodes from the readme file content. If gatsby-tranformer-remark
is installed it will transform these markdown file nodes into MarkdownRemark
nodes from which you can query an HTML representation of the markdown.
Nota Bene: Currently this plugin only fetches readme files named with all caps “” not “”. I am looking into how to fetch both upper and lower case named readme files.
yarn add gatsby-source-gh-readme
npm install --save gatsby-source-gh-readme
Provide Github Credentials
@ > account > developer settings > personal access token, create a token and give access to read data from your repositories. Choose to restrict access to only public repos if that’s what you want.
Amend your .gitignore
file to exclude .env
# dotenv environment variables file
Create .env
files to hold you secret token
touch .env.development
and for production…
touch .env.production
Edit these file to hold your github token
# Github GraphQL API (Public and Private)
Make the environment variables listed in these files available to GatsbyJS
@ gatsby-config.js
, at the top of the file
path: `.env.${process.env.NODE_ENV}`
Note: dotenv is part of GatsbyJS so you can require it without installing it.
Make GatsbyJS aware of the plugin
@ gatsby-config.js
, add the plugin
plugins: [
resolve: "gatsby-source-gh-readme",
options: {
gitHubToken: `${process.env.GITHUB_API_TOKEN}`
Query for nodes
Once you have this plugin installed on your GatsbyJS site a GraphQL query to Github will pull in the readme file content and create nodes on your Gatsby data graph at GatsbyJS build time.
You will find a list of all the readme contents under allGithubReadme
So you can query for all readme nodes like this
query MyQuery {
allGithubReadme(sort: {order: ASC, fields: title}) {
nodes {
If the totalCound doesn’t match the number of repos on your account it may be for one of the following reasons:
- some of your repos don’t have a readme file on the master branch
- the readme file may be named “readme” instead of “README”
- you may have some private repos that will only be available if you have issued yourself a key with private permissions.
Individual nodes are found on githubReadme
. To query for the readme of a particular repo you can try:
query githubProjectByTitle($name: String!) {
githubReadme(title: {eq: $name}) {
with these query variables
In these queries the readme content is a blob of markdown text in the field readme
Create pages on your site
Note that MarkdownRemark must be installed on the site for the readme nodes to be processed into usable html.
Because a MarkdownRemark node is created for each githubReadme node that is added to the GatsbyJS data graph, you can get access the content you want through childMarkdownRemark.
Any ideas to make this more useful or stable are welome. See the github project page gatsby-source-gh-readme for more information.