Community Plugin
View plugin on GitHubgatsby-source-cockpit
A Gatsby plugin for accessing remote content from the Cockpit API (
npm install -save-dev gatsby-source-cockpit
Configure the plugin in your gatsby-config.js file.
resolve: "gatsby-source-cockpit",
options: {
host: "http://{YOUR_COCKPIT_URL}",
accessToken: "{YOUR_ACCOUNT_API_KEY}",
collectionName: ["Gallery", "Blog", "Pages",...]
Any collections you’ve created with Cockpit can be accessed from within your project with a simple GraphQL query.
##Example Query
allCockpitPages {
edges {
node {
The plugin currently returns both markdown and html, and can be used in tandem with Gatsby’s createPages API to programatically serve content created within the Cockpit CMS to your project.