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Gatsby source plugin for building websites using Appwrite as a data source

How to install

npm install gatsby-source-appwrite node-appwrite

Available options

  • appwriteEndpoint - the url of your endpoint
  • appwriteProject - appwrite project id
  • appwriteApiKey - api key of your appwrite project, with correct access rights

Examples of usage


// gatsby-config.js

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      resolve: `gatsby-source-appwrite`,
      options: {
        appwriteEndpoint: "http://localhost/v1",
        appwriteProject: "my-project",
        appwriteApiKey: "my-api-key",
        types: [
            type: "Todo",
            query: (databases) => databases.listDocuments("my-database-id", "my-collection-id"),
        types: [
            type: "Movies",
            query: (databases) =>
              databases.listDocuments("my-database-id", "my-collection-id", [
                Query.equal("title", "Avatar"),

How to query for data

query MyQuery {
  appwriteTodo {

Will result with:

  "data": {
    "appwriteTodo": {
      "id": "4fb16cb4-916f-5bca-baee-e7763936d272",
      "databaseId": "6359a5cdc905610fb81e",
      "name": "Hey Hey"
  "extensions": {}
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