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Gatsby Remark plugin to embed Notion-like card UI about link.

This is a fork from gatsby-remark-link-card, πŸ‘€ You can preview the description of the link!

🚚 Install

$ npm install --save gatsby-remark-link-preview
# or
$ yarn add gatsby-remark-link-preview

πŸš€ How to use

πŸ‘‰ This plugin requires gatsby-transformer-remark.

in Markdown


with Config

// In your gatsby-config.js
plugins: [
    resolve: `gatsby-transformer-remark`,
    options: {
      plugins: [
          resolve: `gatsby-remark-link-preview`,
          options: {

βš™ Options

Property Type Default Description
delimiter string $card Title of the link to create a card
image string data-uri Default og image path
favicon string data-uri Default favicon image path
timeout number 30000 Default timeout(ms) for puppeteer
error Object - Default config when error


πŸ‘€ Lichin Lin



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