Community Plugin
View plugin on GitHubgatsby-plugin-sitecore-cdp
This plugin is a clone of the gatsby-plugin-google-gtag for Sitecore CDP.
The plugin will track all your view events without any need for other configuration.
Refer to the Sitecore CDP Javascript documentation for the details on the configuration:—data-model-2-1/integrating-sitecore-cdp-using-javascript.html
npm install gatsby-plugin-sitecore-cdp
How to use
// In your gatsby-config.js
module.exports = {
plugins: [
resolve: `gatsby-plugin-sitecore-cdp`,
options: {
clientKey: "<replace-with-your-client-key>",
cookieDomain: "<replace-with-your-site-domain>",
// Change to the api endpoint for your region
apiEndpoint: "",
pointOfSale: "<replace-with-your-configured-point-of-sale>",
// The below options are optional
// The Javascript SDK Client version, defaults to 1.4.8
clientVersion: "1.4.8",
// The webflow CDN to be used for Sitecore Personalize, the below value will be the default
webFlowTarget: "",
// The Boxever Script CDN for the JS file, the below value will be the default
boxeverCdnTarget: "",
// Set value to false, if you want the script to be in the body tag instead of head
head: true,
// The async value for the boxever script, false by default
async: false,
// The defer value for the boxever script, false by default
defer: false,
// DevOptions will be used for local dev configuration
devOptions: {
// Use this to log events to the console
trackDev: true
// Exclude the paths that you do not want to track
exclude: ["/hello-world/"]