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NPM version


npm install --save gatsby-plugin-relative-paths


Set assetPrefix to __GATSBY_RELATIVE_PATH__ and include the plugin in your gatsby-config.js file:

module.exports = {
  assetPrefix: '__GATSBY_RELATIVE_PATH__',
  plugins: [
    // recomended to avoid react routes redirections
"scripts": {
  "build": "gatsby build --prefix-paths"


module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      resolve: 'gatsby-plugin-relative-paths',
      options: {
        assetFolder: 'public/blog', // store real assets in this folder
        verbose: true,

If the absolute path where the assets will be generated is different from where it will be served; it is necessary to regenerate the symliks with the new absolute paths.

// ./sync-symlinks.js
const { syncAllLinks } = require('gatsby-plugin-relative-paths');
syncAllLinks({ assetFolder: 'public' });
node ./sync-symlinks.js
// start the webserver

What is a relative path?

Relative paths use the current url to calculate the location of the resource.


URL: www.example.com/blog/posts/1


<script src="../../assets/app.js"></script>

our browser search for the resource at the following location (two levels of folders higher): www.example.com/blog/assets/app.js

Relative paths use cases

Gatsby provides some solutions to change the location of the assets asset-prefix and to have more control of the web site url path-prefix. These would be some scenarios where Gatsby’s solutions are not enough:

Multiple urls

If your web site is served statically it may be embedded in a specific path, for example /blog but in some cases it may be more than one embedded path, example /blog, /my-company/blog, /us/blog, etc.

But how?

Using a smart and ugly hacks to do so:

  • Adds a post-build step that iterates over files and transforms every __GATSBY_RELATIVE_PATH__ occurrence

HTML files

<script src="__GATSBY_RELATIVE_PATH__/app.js"></script>


<script src="./assets/app.js"></script>

JS files

return '__GATSBY_RELATIVE_PATH__' + '/page-data/app-data.json';
return './assets' + '/page-data/app-data.json`;

It is also necessary to move the assets folder to each html file, so that it is always relative to the html file. This copy will be a symbolic link, so it will not use more disk space than necessary.

Assets relative to each html file


But why move assets?

The javascript files need to refresh the components data, for this it is necessary to make xhr requests to obtain the page-data resources (page-data/page-data.json).

Due to this we have the following problem when loading that page-data.

In the case that we only have one assets folder in one location.


URL:        www.example.com/my-company/blog/posts/1
Assets URL: www.example.com/my-company/assets


return './assets' + '/page-data/app-data.json';

Our browser search for the resource at the following location: www.example.com/my-company/blog/posts/1/assets/page-data/app-data.json.

Due to this and because more data can be loaded asynchronously in webpack; creating symbolic links of assets folder for each html fix these problems without affecting hard drive space.


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