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This plugin is inspired heavily from the internationalization config options provided by Next.js. The hope is you pass it a relatively simple set of locale information, and the plugin will use the src/pages directory of your Gatsby site to create duplicates of those pages at locale-specific paths.


npm install gatsby-plugin-i18n-config


// In your gatsby-config.js
module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      resolve: `gatsby-plugin-18n-config`,
      options: {
        locales: ["en-US", "fr"],
        defaultLocale: "en-US",

In the above example, with a single page at src/pages/index.jsx the plugin would generate 2 pages, one at yoursite.com/ and a second at yoursite.com/fr/.



Required. Array of UTS Locale Identifiers.


Optional. Locale to serve for the ‘root’ version of the page. Given src/pages/blog.js and the following options:

  locales: ['en-US', 'fr-CA'],
  // defaultLocale: 'en-US'

This plugin would create a page at /en-US/blog/ and /fr-CA/blog/. However if the defaultLocale was un-commented and therefore set to ‘en-US’, the paths for those pages would instead be /blog/ (still showing en-US content), and /fr-CA/blog/. This is a slight variation from the Next.js i18n, where a defaultLocale is required and they suggest a middleware to achieve this behavior. Here we only match Next’s behavior if the defaultLocale is provided.



This plugin will automatically create locale-specific versions of each page in your src/pages directory.


Each page created by this plugin gets passed the locale as context, making it usable in queries or as props in the page.

HTML lang attribute

This plugin adds the appropriate lang attribute to your page’s <html> tag.

Todo for readme

  • How to translate different content (local MD, CMS stuff)

Next.js internationalization implementation Define an i18n object in next.config.js specifically with a locales array for all the locales available on a site. Next’s i18n guy does a few handy things:

  • Takes the pages directory, keeps the pages in there and considers them the defaultLocale in locales, then creates duplicates prefixed with each locale. They call this ‘Sub-path Routing’ (maybe other folks do too, I just have only seen the term here so far!)
  • Adds the lang attribute to the HTML
  • Detects the user’s preferred locale based on the Accept-Language header and redirects accordingly
  • Does cross-domain locale-based redirects
  • Adds locale info to their router
  • Sets a cookie NEXT_LOCALE
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