Breadcrumbs for Gatsby

- Installation
- Usage
- Gotchas
- Give these a quick read to see common issues you might face while using this plugin!
Gatsby Versions
This plugin should work fine on Gatsby v2, v3, and v4.
yarn add gatsby-plugin-breadcrumb
npm install gatsby-plugin-breadcrumb
There are two ways to use gatsby-plugin-breadcrumb
to add breadcrumbs to your
Gatsby site: Click Tracking and AutoGen.
Click Tracking
Click tracking creates a breadcrumb of out of the path taken (clicked) by the user. The two ways to use click tracking are:
Using the
<Breadcrumb />
Add the plugin
to yourgatsby-config.js
Import and use the
<Breadcrumb />
component, passing the required props, on pages you wish to see the breadcrumb.
Using the
hook: TheuseBreadcrumb
hook enables you to control your own breadcrumbs, by callinguseBreadcrumb
and passing the required object properties. Using the hook enables you to pass the breadcrumbs to your own custom Breadcrumb component, but still take advantage ofgatsby-plugin-breadcrumbs
click tracking logic.-
Add the plugin
to yourgatsby-config.js
Import and use the
hook, passing the required object properties.
AutoGen (Auto Generated) will generate breadcrumbs for each page and inject them
into Gatsby page pageContext
prop under the breadcrumb
Add the plugin
to yourgatsby-config.js
and define theuseAutoGen
plugin option totrue
array frombreadcrumb
object inpageContext
Import and use the
<Breadcrumb />
component, passing the required props on pages you wish to see the breadcrumb
Use of the
<Breadcrumb />
component is not a requirement. If you want to create your own breadcrumb component, and pass it the breadcrumb data frompageContext
, this is always an option.
Click Tracking example: Demo
// optional: if you are using path prefix, see plugin option below
pathPrefix: '/blog',
plugins: [
resolve: `gatsby-plugin-breadcrumb`,
options: {
// defaultCrumb: optional To create a default crumb
// see Click Tracking default crumb example below
defaultCrumb: {
location: {
pathname: "/",
crumbLabel: "HomeCustom",
crumbSeparator: " / ",
// usePathPrefix: optional, if you are using pathPrefix above
usePathPrefix: '/blog',
import React from 'react'
import { Breadcrumb } from 'gatsby-plugin-breadcrumb'
export const AboutUs = ({ location }) => {
<Breadcrumb location={location} crumbLabel="About Us" />
Breadcrumb component with Click Tracking
The <Breadcrumb />
component provides default breadcrumbs, while also allowing
you to customize those breadcrumbs if you wish.
Breadcrumb Props with Click Tracking
prop | type | description | examples | required |
location | object | Reach Router location prop | See Reach Router location prop, passed by Gatsby to every page. | required |
crumbLabel | string | Name for the breadcrumb | "About Us" |
required |
title | string | Title preceding the breadcrumbs | "Breadcrumbs: " , ">>>" |
optional |
crumbSeparator | string | Separator between each breadcrumb | " / " |
optional |
Other Click Tracking options
Instead of adding the <Breadcrumb />
component to every page, another option
would be to add it to a layout component.
Click Tracking Layout component example Demo
import React from 'react'
import Layout from './layout'
export const AboutUs = ({ location }) => {
return (
<Layout location={location} crumbLabel="About Us" >
import React from 'react'
import Layout from './layout'
export const Contact = ({location}) => {
return (
<Layout location={location} crumbLabel="Contact" >
import React from 'react'
import { Breadcrumb } from 'gatsby-plugin-breadcrumb'
export const Layout = ({location, crumbLabel}) => {
return (
<Breadcrumb location={location} crumbLabel={crumbLabel} />
Click Tracking defaultCrumb example
While using the Click Tracking option with the <Breadcrumb />
component, if a
user goes directly to a page, your breadcrumb will start with that page. You may
want to always provide a default or “Home” breadcrumb. You can do this by adding
a defaultCrumb
plugin option. We must structure the defaultCrumb
we provide in a way our context is expecting, see below for an example using all
available options.
resolve: `gatsby-plugin-breadcrumb`,
options: {
defaultCrumb: {
// location: required and must include the pathname property
location: {
pathname: "/",
// crumbLabel: required label for the default crumb
crumbLabel: "Home",
// all other properties optional
crumbSeparator: " / ",
Click tracking styles and class names applied to breadcrumb elements
To use the default styles please import the gatsby-plugin-breadcrumb.css
into your gatsby-browser.js file.
import 'gatsby-plugin-breadcrumb/gatsby-plugin-breadcrumb.css'
If you would rather style your own breadcrumb, here is a list of the classes
used with the <Breadcrumb />
class | description |
breadcrumb__title |
Applied to the breadcrumb title (<span> ) |
breadcrumb |
Applied to the breadcrumb container (<nav> ) |
breadcrumb__list |
Applied to the breadcrumb ordered list (<ol> ) |
breadcrumb__list__item |
Applied to each breadcrumb ‘crumbs’ (<li> ) |
breadcrumb__link |
Applied to the link of the breadcrumb (<a> ) |
breadcrumb__link__active |
Added to the current link (<a> ) |
breadcrumb__separator |
Applied to the breadcrumb separators (<span> ) |
useBreadcrumb example:
plugins: [
import React from 'react'
import MyCustomBreadcrumb from './my-custom-breadcrumb'
import { useBreadcrumb } from 'gatsby-plugin-breadcrumb'
export const AboutUs = ({ location }) => {
const { crumbs } = useBreadcrumb({
crumbLabel: 'About Us',
crumbSeparator: ' / ',
return (
<MyCustomBreadcrumb crumbs={crumbs} />
useBreadcrumb arguments and returns
The useBreadcrumb
hook takes an object with the following properties:
prop | type | description | examples | required |
location | object | Reach Router location prop | See Reach Router location prop, passed by Gatsby to every page. | required |
crumbLabel | string | Name for the breadcrumb | "About Us" |
required |
crumbSeparator | string | Separator between each breadcrumb | " / " |
optional |
returns the following:
value | type | description |
crumbs | array | Array of the current breadcrumbs |
The useBreadcrumb
hook will determine if it needs to add, remove, or do
nothing with the breadcrumbs based on the location you pass. You only need to
pass it the required props (location
, crumbLabel
AutoGen example Demo
AutoGen (Auto Generated, previously Sitemap) used to rely on
, which creates a sitmap XML file in the /public
of your site at the end of the site build. This caused problems when deploying
to services like Netlify, as the XML file was not created when we needed to try
to read from it, causing the build to fail. Now AutoGen generates the
breadcrumbs as pages are created. We also no longer require the
Add the following to your gatsby-config
// optional: if you are using path prefix, see plugin option below
pathPrefix: '/blog',
siteMetadata: {
// siteUrl: required (Gotcha: do not include a trailing slash at the end)
siteUrl: "http://localhost:8000",
plugins: [
resolve: `gatsby-plugin-breadcrumb`,
options: {
// useAutoGen: required 'true' to use autogen
useAutoGen: true,
// autoGenHomeLabel: optional 'Home' is default
autoGenHomeLabel: `Root`,
// exclude: optional, include this array to exclude paths you don't want to
// generate breadcrumbs for (see below for details).
exclude: [
// isMatchOptions: optional, include this object to configure the wildcard-match library.
excludeOptions: {
separator: '.'
// crumbLabelUpdates: optional, update specific crumbLabels in the path
crumbLabelUpdates: [
pathname: '/book',
crumbLabel: 'Books'
// trailingSlashes: optional, will add trailing slashes to the end
// of crumb pathnames. default is false
trailingSlashes: true,
// usePathPrefix: optional, if you are using pathPrefix above
usePathPrefix: '/blog',
gatsby-config.js exclude array and excludeOptions
As of v11 the
array option in the config of this plugin uses wildcard-match library. You can write wildcard strings to exclude paths you don’t want to create breadcrumbs for. Please review the wildcard-match library for further details on how to write new exclude strings.To upgrade to v11 and keep similar behavior to your old excluded paths simply add
to the start and end of your exclude stringsexample:
// old exclude: [ '/books/', '/chapters/' ] // new exclude: [ '**/books/**', '**/chapters/**' ]
object option is used to pass options to configure thewildcard-match
library. Please see the wildcard-match library for more details. Omitting this option will use the default options.
Breadcrumb component example with AutoGen
import React from 'react'
import { Breadcrumb } from 'gatsby-plugin-breadcrumb'
export const AboutUs = ({ pageContext, location }) => {
const {
breadcrumb: { crumbs },
} = pageContext
// Example of dynamically using location prop as a crumbLabel
// NOTE: this code will not work for every use case, and is only an example
const customCrumbLabel = location.pathname.toLowerCase().replace('-', ' ')
return (
crumbSeparator=" - "
Breadcrumb Props with AutoGen
prop | type | description | examples | required |
crumbs | array | Array of crumbs return from pageContext | n/a | required |
title | string | Title preceding the breadcrumbs | "Breadcrumbs: " , ">>>" |
optional |
crumbSeparator | string | Separator between each breadcrumb | " / " |
optional |
crumbLabel | string | Override crumb label from xml path | "About Us" |
optional |
hiddenCrumbs | array | pathnames of crumbs to hide | ['/books'] |
optional |
disableLinks | array | pathnames of crumbs to show, but not be links | ['/books'] |
optional |
…rest | object | Any other props you may pass | n/a: spread accross crumb Link | optional |
For an example on using
AutoGen styles and class names applied to breadcrumb elements
To use the default styles please import the gatsby-plugin-breadcrumb.css
into your gatsby-browser.js file.
import 'gatsby-plugin-breadcrumb/gatsby-plugin-breadcrumb.css'
If you would rather style your own breadcrumb, here is a list of the classes
used with the <Breadcrumb />
class | description |
breadcrumb__title |
Applied to the breadcrumb title (<span> ) |
breadcrumb |
Applied to the breadcrumb container (<nav> ) |
breadcrumb__list |
Applied to the breadcrumb ordered list (<ol> ) |
breadcrumb__list__item |
Applied to each breadcrumb ‘crumbs’ (<li> ) |
breadcrumb__link |
Applied to the link of the breadcrumb (<a> ) |
breadcrumb__link__active |
Added to the current link (<a> ) |
breadcrumb__link__disabled |
Applied to crumbs that have links disabled (<span> ) |
breadcrumb__separator |
Applied to the breadcrumb separators (<span> ) |
Here are a few gotchas. If you notice any more you think should be mentioned here submit a PR or create an issue.
In your
be sure to remove any trailing slashes -
The Gatsby
<Link />'s
throughout your site need to haveto
properties that match your breadcrumbto
properties for thebreadcrumb__link__active
class to be applied. The URLs in your site also need to match theto
properties of the breadcrumb for active classes to take effect.-
Your sites URLs might have trailing slashes, and the breadcrumb
URLs might not. One option is to use the gatsby-plugin-remove-trailing-slashes plugin to ensure your URLs match and thebreadcrumb__link__active
class is applied. -
You can also pass the
component the Reach RoutersgetProps
prop a function to fine tune when the active class is applied.Reach Router
import React from 'react' import { Breadcrumb } from 'gatsby-plugin-breadcrumb' export const AboutUs = ({ pageContext }) => { const { breadcrumb: { crumbs }, } = pageContext const isPartiallyActive = ({ isPartiallyCurrent, isCurrent }) => { return isPartiallyCurrent && isCurrent ? { className: 'breadcrumb__link breadcrumb__link__active' } : {} } return ( <div> <Header> <main> <Breadcrumb crumbs={crumbs} crumbSeparator=" - " crumbLabel="About Us" getProps={isPartiallyActive} /> ... </main> </Header> </div> ) }