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Gatsby plugin blog cover

This plugin is used to setup default Blog Covers if there aren’t any customized ones specified.

It’s an inspiration I got when I couldn’t create customized covers all the time, thereby leaving graphs and twitter card images with the favicon of my site. Favicons are suitable for other parts of my site, but I believe blog posts should have meaningful images.

How To Use

Install the plugin

npm i --save gatsby-plugin-blog-cover

Go to gatsby-node.js

Example usage:

exports.onCreateNode = ({ node, actions }) => {
	const { createNodeField } = actions
	if (node.internal.type === `MarkdownRemark`) {
		const { title } = node.frontmatter;
		const generatedCoverSlug = createImage({
			imgPath: './src/images',
			domain: "https://dillionmegida.com"
			name: 'generatedCoverSlug',
			value: generatedCoverSlug

generatedCoverSlug returns the path to the image without “./” which in this case would be src/images/the-blog-title.png.

The title is used to create the image (which includes the domain text) and then saved in ./src/images. The image is of type png. createNodeField is used to create a node of the cover’s slug on the MarkdownRemark node which can be queried with graphql.

The parameters available are:

  • title (required): The title of the blog post e.g “How To Create A Website”.
  • imagePath (required): This is where the images are stored. Images must be saved in src.
  • domain (optional): The domain of your blog e.g ”https://example.com“.
  • border: true or false if you want a border round the text. Default is true.
  • titleColor: The color of the title. The default is black
  • bgColor (optional): The background color of the image. Defaults to white.
  • imgHeight (optional): The height of the image. Defaults to 600px.`
  • imgWidth (optional): The width of the image. Defaults to 1000px.
  • style (optional): If you’re good with CSS, why not? You can specify your own style of the cover. But be careful, because CSS would try to render the styles you specify either wrong or right.

The body of the HTML is

	<div class='container'>
		<div class='blog-title'>
			<h1>{{ title }}</h1>
		<div class='domain'>
			<p>{{ domain }}</p>

Require the image

For example, in your post template file, you can do the following:

import React from "react";
import { graphql } from "gatsby";
export default ({ data }) => {
	const { fields, frontmatter } = data.markdownRemark;
	return (
			<img src={require(`../../${post.fields.generatedCoverSlug}`)} alt='Blog Cover' width='100%' />
export const query = graphql`
  query($slug: String!) {
    markdownRemark(fields: { slug: { eq: $slug } }) {
      fields {
      frontmatter {

The path in your require function may be different. It is the path to the folder where your images live. So the above will translate to require(’../../src/images/the-blog-title.png’)

You can use the cover slug in your graphs and twitter cards for perfect previews when shared on social media.

$slug is a variable used in the query just as seen in the Gatsby documentation for creating each blog post pages.


Pull requests and feature requests are welcome 🙂

Also, if you love the plugin, we could create different cover templates together 😇


Dillion Megida

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