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Gatsby Advanced Pages

Gatsby Advanced Pages is a wrapper around Gatsby’s createPage API that allows easy creation of pages with dynamic features like pagination and custom routing.


Install with npm

$ npm install gatsby-plugin-advanced-pages

or yarn

$ yarn add gatsby-plugin-advanced-pages


See example directory. Check out Live example


Add the plugin to your gatsby-config.js file in order to activate it

plugins: [
    resolve: `gatsby-plugin-advanced-pages`,
    options: {
      // plugin options goes here

Creating pages

In order to create your first page, create a new pages.config.yaml file under your project’s root directory


- title: Hello, World
  template: hello.js
    hello: /hello

Create a template component under src/templates to be used to render the page


import React from "react"
import { graphql } from "gatsby"

const PageTemplate = ({ data }) => (
    <div>This is a demo page for `gatsby-plugin-advanced-pages`</div>

export const query = graphql`
  query PageQuery($id: String!) {
    page(id: { eq: $id }) {

export default PageTemplate

Run gatsby develop and open http://localhost/hello to see your new page.

Page helpers

In order to create more advanced pages, you need to define a page helper. Page helpers are JavaScript files that export a function to be run by the plugin during Gatsby’s createPage lifecycle. Here is an example page helper that creates a blog index page with pagination functionality:

Note: You will need gatsby-transformer-remark plugin installed for this example to work


- title: Blog
    blog: /blog
  template: blog-template.js
  helper: blog-helper.js

Next, create the page helper file under gatsby/pages


module.exports = async function ({ graphql, page, createAdvancedPage }) {
  const result = await graphql(`
      allMarkdownRemark(filter: { frontmatter: { type: { eq: "post" } } }) {

  if (result.errors) {
    throw result.errors

    route: 'blog',
    pagination: {
      count: result.data.allMarkdownRemark.totalCount,
      limit: 3,

Lastly, create a template component under src/templates to be used to render the blog page


import React from 'react'
import { graphql } from 'gatsby'
import { Pagination } from 'gatsby-plugin-advanced-pages'

const BlogTemplate = ({ data }) => (
      {data.allMarkdownRemark.edges.map(({ node }) => (
        <div key={node.frontmatter.slug}>
    <Pagination route="blog" pageInfo={data.allMarkdownRemark.pageInfo} ui="simple" />

export const query = graphql`
  query Blog($id: String!, $limit: Int!, $offset: Int!) {
    page(id: { eq: $id }) {
    allMarkdownRemark(limit: $limit, skip: $offset, filter: { frontmatter: { type: { eq: "post" } } }){
      edges {
        node {
          frontmatter {
          excerpt(pruneLength: 200)
      pageInfo {

export default BlogTemplate

Now assuming you have 12 blog posts (stored as Markdown files), the plugin will create the following pages:

  • /blog
  • blog/page/2
  • blog/page/3
  • blog/page/4

if you want to customize the paginated paths, you can include a route in your pagination object that’s being passed to createAdvancedPage(). See below:


- title: Blog
    blog: /blog
    blog.paginated: /blog/what/ever/:page
  template: blog-template.js
  helper: blog-helper.js


  route: 'blog',
  pagination: {
    route: 'blog.paginated',
    count: result.data.allMarkdownRemark.totalCount,
    limit: 3,

Now the plugin will create the following pages:

  • /blog
  • /blog/what/ever/2
  • /blog/what/ever/3
  • /blog/what/ever/4

Passing data to templates

You can pass structured data from your pages.config.yaml to your template component by setting the data field. See below


- title: My skills
  template: skills.js
    skills: /skills
      - skill: HTML
        level: Excellent
      - skill: Javascript
        level: Intermediate

Then, you can use that data in your template


import React from "react"
import { graphql } from "gatsby"

const SkillsTemplate = ({ data: { page } }) => (
    {page.data.sills.map(({ skill, level }) => {
      <li key={skill}>

export const query = graphql`
  query PageQuery($id: String!) {
    page(id: { eq: $id }) {

export default SkillsTemplate

More examples…

Check out example directory for more examples on how to use the plugin

Generating paths

You can generate paths for the routes defined in your pages.config.yaml using two methods:

The Link component is a wrapper around Gatsby’s Link component that allows passing route names and params in addition to regular paths. Below is an example of how to use it:

Assuming you have a route named blog.post with a value of /blog/posts/:post, you can render a link to a specific blog post using the following:

import { Link } from 'gatsby-plugin-advanced-pages'

// inside your component JSX
<Link to="blog.post" params={{ post: "some-post-slug" }} />

generatePath() function

Alternatively, you can use generatePath() function to generate paths. see below:

import { generatePath } from 'gatsby-plugin-advanced-pages'

// Returns: /blog/posts/some-post-slug
const postUrl = generatePath('blog.post', { post: "some-post-slug" })


The plugin exposes a set of components and functions that allow building advanced pages with minimal code. These are the React components exposed by the plugin.

Wrapper around Gatsby’s core Link component that allows passing route names and params in addition to regular paths.


Name Type Description
to String Required. The name of the route to link to or a regular path
params Object Route parameters
scope String Route scope. Available scopes: pagination
[...] All props supported by Gatsby Link component


import { Link } from 'gatsby-plugin-advanced-pages'

// Route: about = /about-me
// Output: <GatsbyLink to="/about-me" />
<Link to="about" />

// Route: blog.post = /blog/:post
// Output: <GatsbyLink to="/blog/some-post-slug" />
<Link to="blog.post" params={{ post: "some-post-slug" }} />

// Route: blog = /blog
// Output: <GatsbyLink to="/blog/page/4" />
<Link to="blog" scope="pagination" params={{ page: 4 }} />

// You can pass any prop supported by GatsbyLink
// Output: <GatsbyLink to="/about-me" activeClassName="active" partiallyActive={true} />
<Link to="about" activeClassName="active" partiallyActive={true} />

// If no valid route is supplied, a regular link will be rendered
// Output: <GatsbyLink to="/some/path" />
<Link to="some/path" />

Pagination component

Renders a pagination UI to paginate a set of results fetched using a GraphQL query


Name Type Description
route String Required. The name of the route to paginate
params Object Route parameters
pageInfo Object Required. pageInfo object fetched from GraphQL using Pagination fragment
ui String UI mode (Defaults to full). Available keys: mini, simple, full
range Number Maximum number of pages displayed (Defaults to 6)
className String Class name applied to the pagination container
labels Object Navigation items labels. Available keys: prev, next, first, last
theme Object Elements class names (Defaults to Bootstrap 4 classes). Available keys: inner, item, item.next, item.prev, item.first, item.last, link, active, disabled
renderDisabled bool Render disabled navigation items (Defaults to true)


import { Pagination } from 'gatsby-plugin-advanced-pages'

const BlogTemplate = ({ data }) => {
  <Pagination ui="simple" route="blog" pageInfo={data.allMarkdownRemark.pageInfo} />

export const query = graphql`
  query Blog($limit: Int!, $offset: Int!) {
    allMarkdownRemark(limit: $limit, skip: $offset){
      edges {
        node {
      pageInfo {

export default BlogTemplate

Check out example directory for more examples


The plugin exposes two hooks for getting and checking for the currently activated route.


useRoute(): Route

Gets the current active route based on @reach/router location history.


useIsRoute(route: string): boolean

Checks whether a given route is currently active.


These are the functions exposed by the plugin.


createAdvancedPage({ route: string, params?: object, pagination?: object, ...context }): void

Creates page(s) based on given input parameters. Note: This function can only be called within Page helpers.


generatePath(route: string, params?: object, scope?: string, ignorePrefix?: boolean): string

Generates a path for a specific route based on the given parameters.


getPathGenerator(route: string, scope?: string, ignorePrefix?: boolean): Function

Returns a function to be used to generate paths for a specific route.

navigate(to: string, params?: object, scope?: string, options?: object): void

Extends Gatsby’s navigate to allow passing route names and params.


getMatchingRoute(path: string, ignorePrefix?: boolean): Route

Gets the route that matches a given path.


getRoutes(parent?: string): Route[]

Gets an array of all routes or routes nested under a given parent route.


getRoute(route: string): Route

Gets the Route object of a given route name.


routeExists(route: string): boolean

Checks if a route is defined with the given name.



Pages configuration defines your site’s pages and routes. It should be defined in one of two ways:

Inline definition

You can define it alongside other plugin options in your gatsby.config.js file like this:

plugins: [
    resolve: `gatsby-plugin-advanced-pages`,
    options: {
      // plugin options goes here
      pages: [
          title: "Hello, World",
          template: "hello.js",
          routes: {
            hello: "/hello"

Separate config file

This file should be in the root of your Gatsby site and should be in one of these formats:



- title: Hello, World
  template: hello.js
    hello: /hello


    "title": "Hello, World",
    "template": "hello.js",
    "routes": {
      "hello": "/hello"


module.exports = [
    title: "Hello, World",
    template: "hello.js",
    routes: {
      hello: "/hello"

Plugin options


Here is the full list of options with their default values.

// gatsby-config.js
plugins: [
    resolve: `gatsby-plugin-advanced-pages`,
    options: {
      basePath: '/',
      pages: [],
      template: null,
      directories: {
        templates: 'src/templates',
        helpers: 'gatsby/pages',
      pagination: {
        limit: 10,
        suffix: '/page/:page'
      typeNames: {
        page: 'Page'


Type: String Default: "/"

Root url for all pages created through the plugin


Type: Array Default: []

Inline pages configuration to use instead of a separate pages.config.js file


Type: String Default: null

Default template to be used for pages with no template metadata defined. It could be a file name located under {directories.templates} or a path relative to your project’s root directory.


Type: String Default: "src/templates"

Location of template components used to render pages. The path could either be relative to your project’s root directory or an absolute path


Type: String Default: "gatsby/pages"

Location of page helpers. The path could either be relative to your project’s root directory or an absolute path


Type: Number Default: 10

Default page size to be used when no limit parameter is passed to createAdvancedPage()


Type: String Default: "/page/:page"

Suffix to be added to the original route to generate a paginated route. This is only used when no paginated route is passed to createAdvancedPage()


Type: String Default: "Page"

Name of the page object type



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