Community Plugin
View plugin on GitHubchurchsuite-gatsby-plugin
Gatsby source plugin for sourcing data into your Gatsby application from churchsuite api
# using npm
npm install churchsuite-gatsby-plugin
# using yarn
yarn add churchsuite-gatsby-plugin
Add to project
// In gatsby-config.js
plugins: [
resolve: 'churchsuite-events-gatsby-plugin',
options: {
// related to calendar embed that runs on build
domain: `YOUR_CHURCHSUITE_DOMAIN` // referred to as {your_account_id} in CS docs.
date_start: `yyy-mm-dd`,
date_end: `yyy-mm-dd`,
featured: `0|1`,
category_ids: `1,2`, // comma seperated list
site_ids: '', // comma seperated list
embed_signup: `boolean`,
public_signup: `boolean`,
// used by event sign up
All the options listed here (besides domain) are passed through to churchsuite-api so you can refer to CS docs for full list of accepted values.
Imported data
Calendar JSON feed
Calendar events imported from churchsuite-api calendar embed
These can be accessed via gatsby Graphql using a query like
query allEvents {
allEvent {
nodes {
// etc
pageInfo {
// paging information
A full list of available fields can be seen in the Gatsby graphql explorer.
Available methods
function signUp(eventId, data) {}
eventId - the string identifier of your event, retreieved from graphql allEvents query. data - an object container the data for the sign up, e.g
first_name: 'Mark',
last_name: 'Davies',
mobile: '',
email: '',