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Embed Tweet and Moment cards in Gatsby markdown.


npm install --save "@weknow/gatsby-remark-twitter"

How to use

// In your gatsby-config.js
plugins: [
    resolve: "gatsby-transformer-remark",
    options: {
      plugins: ["@weknow/gatsby-remark-twitter"]

If you want to get debug output, turn on the debug option in the plugin options.

// In your gatsby-config.js
plugins: [
    resolve: "gatsby-transformer-remark",
    options: {
      plugins: [
          resolve: "@weknow/gatsby-remark-twitter",
          options: {
            debug: true

These other options are also available, to control how the widget is rendered:

  • hideThread Default true. Set to false to also show the tweet that a tweet is in reply to. (This is enabled by default because typically you’d just embed both tweets, and it gets really noisy when embedding entire twitter threads in a post.)
  • hideMedia Default false. Set to true to hide media that is included in a tweet. For example, if a tweet has a photo or a video embedded, this means that the user has to click through to view it.
  • align Set to 'left', 'right' or 'center' to make the embedded tweet float left, right, or be center-aligned. (The default is left-aligned, but not floated.)
  • theme Set to 'dark' to use the dark theme.
  • linkColor Set to a valid RGB value to specify link colors.
  • widgetType Set to 'video' to return a Twitter Video embed for the given Tweet.


# Blog post title

This is an example of embedding a single tweet card.
Add any markdown as you normally do, and then insert a valid
Tweet link anywhere to automatically transform it into an
embed card.


You can embed several tweets



Or a moment


NOTE: Make sure to copy the Tweet link instead of the embed code.

How this looks like

screenshot for share > copy tweet link

View a live demo here



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