Source YouTube information without an API key using the oEmbed endpoint 📺
A message or two from Queen Raae 👑
1-on-1 Emergency Gatsby Call
Are you stuck on a reef in the sharky waters around the Gatsby islands? Check out 1-on-1 Emergency Gatsby Call with Queen Raae to get friendly advice you can put into action immediately from a seasoned Gatsby developer.
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How to install
npm install @raae/gatsby-source-youtube-oembed
yarn add @raae/gatsby-source-youtube-oembed
How to use
module.exports = {
plugins: [
Plugin Options
YouTube Ids
Add the YouTube ids for the videos you would like to source!
Type: An array of YouTube ids
Example: ["Bk1jonYPFD4", "TzJfepDjpzM"]
Default: []
// gatsby.config.js
module.exports = {
plugins: [
resolve: "@raae/gatsby-source-youtube-oembed",
options: {
youTubeIds: ["Bk1jonYPFD4", "TzJfepDjpzM"],
Refresh Interval
Time to wait between fetching fresh oEmbed data.
Type: Time in milliseconds
Example: 60000
Default(dev): 60000 * 5
(5 minutes)
Default(prod): 0
// gatsby.config.js
module.exports = {
plugins: [
resolve: "@raae/gatsby-source-youtube-oembed",
options: {
refreshInterval: 60000,
Questions, Feedback and Suggestions
If you have any questions, feedback or suggestions head on over to discussions.
Found a bug?
If you find a bug please open an issue and/or create a pull request to fix it.