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Gatsby plugin ElasticSearch

This plugin is mostly inspired by gatsby-plugin-algolia

You can specify a list of queries to run and how to transform them into an array of objects to index. When you run gatsby build, it will publish those to your Elasticsearch node.

Here we have an example with some data that might not be very relevant, but will work with the default configuration of gatsby new

$ yarn add gatsby-plugin-elasticsearch

Just pass a plain graphql query to fetch nodes, each one will create a document:

// gatsby-config.js

const myQuery = `{
  allSitePage {
    edges {
      node {
        internal {

const queries = [
    query: myQuery,
    transformer: ({ data }) => data.allSitePage.edges.map(({ node }) => node), // optional
    indexName: 'pages', //
    indexConfig: {
      // optional, any index settings or mappings

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      resolve: `gatsby-plugin-elasticsearch`,
      options: {
        node: 'http://localhost:9200',
        apiKey: process.env.ES_API_KEY, // optional
        chunkSize: 10000, // default: 1000

The queries field also accepts a function which takes graphql as argument and should be async. It has to return an array of queries.

This let you create a query factory to get dynamic queries based on your existing data:

// gatsby-config.js

const pathsQuery = `{
  allSitePage {
    edges {
      node {

function queryFormatter(min, max) {
  return `
      filter: {
        path: {regex: "/^.{${min},${max}}$/"}
    ) {
      edges {
        node {
          internal {

// Your queryFactory gets graphql as argument
async function myQueryFactory(graphql) => {
  const paths = await graphql(pathsQuery).data.allSitePage.map(({ node }) => node.path);

  const maxLength = Math.max.apply(Math, paths.map(function(p) { return p.length; }))
  const middleLength = Integer(maxLength/2);

  const categories = [
      name: 'short_path',
      query: queryFormatter(0, middleLength),
      name: 'long_paths',
      query: queryFormatter(middleLength+1, max_length);

  return categories.map(category => ({
    query: category.query, // dynamic query
    transformer: ({ data }) => data.allSitePage.edges.map(({ node }) => node), // optional
    indexName: category.name, // dynamic index
    indexConfig: {
      // optional, any index settings or mappings

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      resolve: `gatsby-plugin-elasticsearch`,
      options: {
        node: 'http://localhost:9200',
        apiKey: process.env.ES_API_KEY, // optional
        queries: myQueryFactory,
        chunkSize: 10000, // default: 1000

The transformer field accepts a function and optionally you may provide an async function.

The index will be synchronised with the provided index name on your Elasticsearch node on the build step in Gatsby.


Feel free to open issues or PR to improve it!

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