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deanc/gatsby-source-firestorer npm version

Gatsby source plugin for building websites using the Firestore as a data source. Forked from a couple of other versions and updated to use latest Gatsby params.


You have two ways to authenticate to Firebase.

  1. (Reccommended) Supply a valid firebaseConfig object with read-only credentials. Instructions here.
  2. Get a private key for your Firebase project from the Firebase console.


Method 1: Standard web SDK (Reccommended)

  1. Supply a valid firebaseConfig object
  2. $ yarn add @deanc/gatsby-source-firestore
  3. Configure gatsby-config.js
module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      resolve: '@deanc/gatsby-source-firestore',
      options: {
        config: {
          apiKey: 'api-key',
          authDomain: 'project-id.firebaseapp.com',
          databaseURL: 'https://project-id.firebaseio.com',
          storageBucket: 'yourapp.appspot.com',
          projectId: 'project-id',
          messagingSenderId: 'sender-id',
          appId: 'app-id',
          measurementId: 'measurement-id',
        types: [
            type: 'Book',
            collection: 'books',
            map: doc => ({
              title: doc.title,
              isbn: doc.isbn,
              author___NODE: doc.author.id,
            type: 'Author',
            collection: 'authors',
            map: doc => ({
              name: doc.name,
              country: doc.country,
              books___NODE: doc.books.map(book => book.id),

Method 2: Firebase Admin SDK

  1. Get a private key for your Firebase project.
  2. Put that private key somewhere in your Gatsby project.
  3. $ yarn add @deanc/gatsby-source-firestore
  4. Configure gatsby-config.js
module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      resolve: '@deanc/gatsby-source-firestore',
      options: {
        credential: require('./firebase.credentials.json'),
        types: [
            type: 'Book',
            collection: 'books',
            map: doc => ({
              title: doc.title,
              isbn: doc.isbn,
              author___NODE: doc.author.id,
            conditions: [['status', '==', 'public']], // optional
            type: 'Author',
            collection: 'authors',
            map: doc => ({
              name: doc.name,
              country: doc.country,
              books___NODE: doc.books.map(book => book.id),


To query

  allBooks {
    edges {
      node {
        author {


Key Description
credential Require your private key here
config Put a valid firebaseConfig object here
types Array of types, which require some of the following 3 keys
type (required) The type of the collection, which will be used in GraphQL queries. Eg, when type = Book, the GraphQL types are named book and allBook
collection (required) The name of the collections in Firestore. Nested collections are not tested.
map (required) A function to map your data in Firestore to Gatsby nodes, utilize the undocumented ___NODE to link between nodes
conditions (optional) An array of where conditions. Corresponds directly to: https://firebase.google.com/docs/firestore/query-data/queries#simple_queries


No maintenance/warranty are provided. Feel free to send in pull requests.


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