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The intent of this plugin is to aid in the embedding of looping ‘html5 gifv’ like videos from markdown.


npm install --save gatsby-remark-videos gatsby-plugin-ffmpeg

This package is dependent on gatsby-plugin-ffmpeg which has the requirement of ffmpeg installed. Please follow the instructions at https://github.com/Mike-Dax/gatsby-plugin-ffmpeg to install the required dependencies.


The order of the pipelines will influence the final order in the <video /> tag.

Currently it only detects files with the extensions avi, mp4, mov, mkv. If you have a different container and would like it added, open an issue or create a PR and I’m happy to include it.


Make sure this plugin comes before gatsby-remark-images otherwise it might complain about unknown image file formats.

// In your gatsby-config.js
plugins: [
    resolve: `gatsby-remark-videos`,
    options: {
      pipelines: [
          name: 'vp9',
          transcode: chain =>
              .outputOptions(['-crf 20', '-b:v 0']),
          maxHeight: 480,
          maxWidth: 900,
          fileExtension: 'webm',
          name: 'h264',
          transcode: chain =>
              .addOption('-profile:v', 'main')
              .addOption('-pix_fmt', 'yuv420p')
              .outputOptions(['-movflags faststart'])
          maxHeight: 480,
          maxWidth: 900,
          fileExtension: 'mp4',
      attributes: [

Also make sure you have a plugin that copies the files you are referencing, for example gatsby-remark-copy-linked-files.

  resolve: `gatsby-remark-copy-linked-files`,
  options: {},

Markdown Syntax

Markdown image syntax is used:

Video one:

Creates roughly this:

<video autoplay loop>
  <source src="/static/video-hash-optshash.webm" type="video/webm" />
  <source src="/static/video-hash-optshash.mp4" type="video/mp4" />
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