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Use the latest version of TOML in your Gatsby site and control what GraphQL type a file should use.

gatsby-transformer-toml is a Gatsby plugin to transform TOML files into Gatsby nodes.

It uses ion-parser to parse TOML files. It’s fast, small and has no dependencies.


Gatsby’s gatsby-transformer-toml works only form TOML 0.4 and it makes a GraphQL type per file.

If you find yourself in need of controlling what types should be used for your TOML files, this plugin may be a solution for you.


yarn add @arnau/gatsby-transformer-toml


// In your gatsby-config.js
plugins: ['@arnau/gatsby-transformer-toml']


Let’s say you have a TOML files without a type attribute:

# settings.toml

description = "My settings outside gatsby-config.js"

id = "mit"
label = "MIT License"
url = "https://choosealicense.com/licenses/mit/"

id = "arnau"
name = "Arnau Siches"

By default if no type is provided it uses TOML so you can query the above like:

query {
  toml {
    licence {

Resulting in:

  data: {
    toml: {
      description: "My settings outside gatsby-config.js",
      licence: {
        label: "MIT License",
        url: "https://choosealicense.com/licenses/mit/"

If you have two TOML files with different structures, Gatsby will merge them under the same type. Enter the type attribute:

# data/tools/gatsby.toml

type = "Tool"
id = "gatsby"
name = "Gatsby"
url = "https://www.gatsbyjs.org/"
# data/tools/netlify.toml

type = "Tool"
id = "netlify"
name = "Netlify"
url = "https://www.netlify.com/"

This time we can query specifically all nodes of type Tool:

query {
  allTool {

Resulting in:

  data: {
    allTool: [
        name: "Gatsby",
        url: "https://www.gatsbyjs.org/"
        name: "Netlify",
        url: "https://www.netlify.com/"

Finally, if you need to query all nodes generated from TOML files, you can rely on the fact that all of them have the internal media type application/toml:

// gatsby-node.js

exports.onCreateNode = ({ node, actions }) => {
  if (node.internal.mediaType === 'application/toml') {
    // do stuff



The defaultType option allows to override the default type TOML. For example:

// gatsby-config.js

plugins: [
    resolve: '@arnau/gatsby-transformer-toml',
    options: {
      defaultType: 'ION'


The extensions option allows to override the default extension list. For example:

// gatsby-config.js

plugins: [
    resolve: '@arnau/gatsby-transformer-toml',
    options: {
      defaultType: 'ION',
      extensions: ['toml', 'ion']


This plugin is fairly trivial, the following should be enough to get you started:

yarn install && yarn test


Licensed under the MIT licence

© 2025 Gatsby, Inc.