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Achieving Under Two-Second Page Loads

How To Use Gatsby To Dramatically Increase Your Website Conversion

A typical successful demandgen project increases lead conversion by 5 to 10%. But sites migrating to Gatsby have reported conversion increases from 50 to 100%.

Maybe your organization has already migrated onto Gatsby – or maybe you’re just starting to look into ways to increase conversion.

This e-book by Gatsby co-founder and Chief Strategy Officer Sam Bhagwat will show how to leverage the power of the modern web to deliver a lightning-fast experience to your customers – while increasing the bottom line.

By downloading this ebook you’ll learn:

  • How to increase conversion rates through improved site performance
  • Why 2-second or less pagespeeds are critical to Google’s search rankings
  • How Gatsby is uniquely optimized to deliver top-notch site performance
  • The true cost of DIY optimization vs. what’s included with Gatsby’s framework
  • What’s needed to keep your Gatsby site at top speeds as your sire evolves
  • How to quickly get started with Gatsby to experience the speed

Sign up to access the ebook

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