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Coding and Careers: Getting Started with Gatsby

Learn the newest way to get started with Gatsby, easily, and hear how to kickstart your career as a front-end developer.

If you’ve been wanting to get started with Gatsby but need that extra push to get you going, then this is the webinar for you. We’ll have Gatsby Sr Software Engineer, Lennart Jörgens, talk about the basics of getting started with Gatsby, including a live demo and the latest tips and tricks. Lennart will focus on Route API, a new way to create pages that simplifies getting started with Gatsby.

Speaking of getting started, Will Johnson (Community Engineer at Egghead) and Shaundai Person (Jr UI Engineer at SalesLoft) will also join us to share their personal journeys (plus practical advice) about switching careers to become engineers.

Watch the video on demand to get inspired and learn the newest way to get started with Gatsby.

In the webinar, you’ll hear more about:

  • The new Route API, a new way to create pages that simplifies getting started
  • A live demo of Gatsby
  • How connecting with community helped Will Johnson move from a factory job to an engineer
  • How Shaundai Person overcame challenges to build a new career in tech

Lennart Jörgens (Sr. Software Engineer, Gatsby)
Shaundai Person (Jr UI Engineer, SalesLoft)
Will Johnson (Community Engineer, Egghead)

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