Challenge 4: Shopify Store (#100DaysOfGatsby)
Welcome to the fourth phase of #100DaysOfGatsby, Gatsby’s guided coding challenge for 2021!

Netlify announces the next evolution of Gatsby Cloud. Learn more
Full Stack Marketer, writing copy and code -
Welcome to the fourth phase of #100DaysOfGatsby, Gatsby’s guided coding challenge for 2021!
We are excited to announce Gatsby v3.0! This new version of Gatsby’s core framework introduces massive improvement to the developer and user experience.
Welcome to the third phase of #100DaysOfGatsby, Gatsby’s guided coding challenge for 2021!
Gatsby's WordPress integration combines the fastest front-end framework with the most popular CMS!
Build a proof-of-concept website using Gatsby's new features such as our Route API, CLI wizard, and Contentful source plugin!
Register to participate in #100DaysOfGatsby, kicking off on New Year's Day. Our guided coding challenged will help you discover all of Gatsby's new features and level up your React, Node.js, and GraphQL skills in 2021!
November was a crazy busy month, and we've got so many releases to share. No "stories" -- just awesomeness!
Learn about Gatsby's "uses cases" and new concierge service.
Learn about August's product, community, and ecosystem updates. This includes a new unified Gatsby website, a public roadmap, and performance reports in Pull Requests.
Learn about July's product, community, and ecosystem updates. This includes new Gatsby Themes, a new enhanced WordPress integration, and an update to Incremental Builds.
Today we are excited to announce that Gatsby’s new source plugin for WordPress has launched in beta! This new release delivers major improvements to our headless WordPress integration with Gatsby and Gatsby Cloud.
Learn about May's product, community, and ecosystem updates. This includes improvements to Incremental Builds and TypeScript support
Learn how to create a Gatsby Theme
Learn how to use a Gatsby Theme in your project
Learn how to accept user-generated content on your Gatsby site
Learn how to add dynamic features to your Gatsby site
Learn how to use a headless CMS with your Gatsby project
Learn how to audit your site for performance issues and provide common fixes
Learn how to make your website rank no. 1 in search engines
Learn how to enhance your site with a11y best practices.
The best way to learn web development is abstractions on down, not core primitives on up. Gatsby gives you everything you need to get started quickly, while still customizing what you want as you grow.
Learn how to make your Gatsby site work with poor internet service or offline
Learn how to use a new class of services that pair well with your Gatsby site
Learn how to mix markdown and React using MDX
Looking for a free headless CMS? This guide will give you a few solid and budget-friendly options to choose from
Impossible Foods needed a website with new functionality, that could withstand surges in traffic. These challenges and requirements led the Impossible Foods team to adopt a Content Mesh approach to their website architecture.