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How to Add Google Analytics gtag to Gatsby Using Partytown 🎉

On Wednesday Mar 2nd 2022 I watched Ersin Akinci’s talk at GatsbyConf: Improve Your Lighthouse Score with Partytown and Gatsby… and I got super excited!

Paul Scanlon
Paul Scanlon March 23rd, 2022

analytics, Website Performance

Image CDN: Lightning Fast Image Processing for Gatsby Cloud

How to Make Your Gatsby Cloud Preview Builds 5x Faster

GatsbyConf Interview with Gatsby Co-founder and CTO Kyle Mathews

How Gatsby Cloud Optimizes the Development, Deployment, and Hosting of Gatsby Sites

How SAP Community Uses Gatsby & Contentstack to Boost Page Speed and Content Velocity

How to Improve Website Lighthouse Scores

How WaveDirect Used Gatsby, Rudderstack, and Sanity to 4X Leads and Dominate Search Results

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