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Getting Back to Fun: Announcing the Gatsby Silly Site Challenge!

Linda Watkins
November 18th, 2020

It’s been one hell of a year. I think we all deserve a break. 

Getting back to having a little fun might do us all some good. I know I need it. And sometimes learning something new while having fun is even better! 

Two years ago, I attended a JAMstack conference in San Francisco. There were so many great talks about building creative, interesting websites and it struck a chord with me about how essential it is to have a little fun while learning something new. Honestly, learning something totally new can be a little painful and frustrating at times. There’s so much to tackle and it can seem overwhelming. Your brain may have to stretch and think of things in a way it hasn’t done before. Sometimes, that experience can feel like the exact opposite of fun. 

So as 2020 starts winding to a close, how about we bring back the fun? Let others inspire you. Find creative ideas in nature, sports, games, and more. Open your mind to do something ridiculous — not for a job or client, but just for the sheer fun of it. Expand your skills by building the silliest site you can dream up!

While working at Gatsby and other website technology companies, I’ve been inspired by so many fun, engaging, and creative ideas from coworkers, agencies, and community members. Websites have become a key way we present ourselves to the world, whether it’s a blog, portfolio site, or something else. There are some FUN ones out there — and they tend to be oh so memorable! For example, Sarah Drasner, VP of Developer Experience at Netlify, built a site that tries to answer the age old question ‘Is this a Sandwich?’ It makes me smile every time I think of it. (I’m a sandwich anarchist, btw). 

Learning something new while building something silly and fun is also a great way to take the pressure off. You don’t need to worry about pleasing your boss or a client, or even making it look great. Just. Have. Fun! That is the whole (silly) point of this whole (silly) project challenge. 

So: with that in mind, I’m excited to announce the first-ever Silly Site Challenge (hosted by Gatsby)! Learn something new, amuse yourself while doing it, and get some free swag when you’re done. We’ll also be featuring the top 20 silly sites on our blog. Get creative, build new skills, and most of all…have a great time!

I’ve been brainstorming about what to build…maybe a site that gives your latest selfie googly eyes? Or one that plays nature sounds and you have to guess where it’s from? Or a spoof site called ‘ThunderBrats’ (not about Cats). The sky’s the limit!

What silly site will you create????

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Marketing execution machine. I think critically, adjust often, and find creative solutions to problems.

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