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GatsbyConf Registration Now Open! CFP deadline extended until 1/22

Laci Texter
January 12th, 2021
GatsbyConf: Call for Presenters

T-minus seven weeks until #GatsbyConf! I’d be lying if I said the Gatsby team isn’t excited and already working tirelessly to ensure we bring you the updates and insights we know will thrill you all this March. Here are our latest updates!

Registration is Open

A week ago we unveiled the GatsbyConf website and announced that registration is open! (If you missed it, we understand – There is a lot going on in the world right now). Our hope is that GatsbyConf is one of those bright spots on your calendar offering something to look forward to. So, if you haven’t already, go ahead and register (it’s free!) and keep an eye out on the GatsbyConf site and follow #GatsbyConf on Twitter as we roll out updates and announcements! 

CFP Deadline Extended

The GatsbyConf Call for Presenters (CFP) opened in December. Since then, we’ve received many compelling talk submissions. I want to extend a big thank you to those folks who have already submitted — you’ve provided me and others on the team with a lot of interesting reading! 🙏

Given how busy the past several weeks have been for most of us (plus the fact that we’ve heard from a couple people asking for a little more time) we’re extending our CFP deadline one extra week. Now through 11:59pm PST on Friday, January 22nd (that’s 7:59am UTC on Saturday, January 23rd), we want to hear from you! 

You can check out all of the details, requirements, and submit your proposal on our GatsbyConf CFP form.

Lately, when one day can feel like a full eternity, seven weeks may seem like a looong way off. But March will be here before we know it. Make sure you’re registered, consider submitting a talk, let us know you’re attending by using the #GatsbyConf hashtag on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram — and invite your friends!   

Can’t wait to connect with you at GatsbyConf! 💜

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Runner of rivers and city blocks, car-a-oke queen, and very fond of snail mail. Enjoys the art/science/sport of communication. Senior Brand Marketing Manager for Gatsby.

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