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Themes Update: Child Theming and Component Shadowing

Chris Biscardi
January 29th, 2019

Updated July 9, 2019 to reflect using the gatsby-plugin-mdx package instead of the (now deprecated) gatsby-mdx package.

If you aren't familiar with Gatsby themes yet, then check out Introducing Gatsby Themes for a written introduction and my Gatsby Days talk for a more audio/visual approach.

Child Theming

We've merged a PR into Gatsby core to support Child theming. Child theming is an extension of the core theming algorithm to support a "parent/child" style relationship where child themes can rely on parent themes in the same way sites rely on themes. This means you can now add a child theme using the plugins gatsby-config key in a theme as well as your sites.

This change is being made to make it easier for theme authors to produce themes that rely on complex behavior while enabling users who have different skill sets to consume and modify those themes. Theme authors will benefit from the ability to abstract logic, UI elements, and other Gatsby idioms into multiple packages which can be consumed as a single theme. Child themes (and themes as a whole) will improve the ability of people with different skill sets to create accessible, performant, beautiful sites. A few that I had in mind while building out child theming are:

  • A designer who wants to change a set of design tokens to create a whole new look for a theme
  • Someone who is more familiar with HTML and CSS than React and GraphQL and wants to create a set of child blog themes
  • Someone familiar with GraphQL wants to enable new functionality by writing their own queries for page templates

We also want child themes to enable an ecosystem to build on top of and compose with each other. The 80% use case for a blog should be capable of being built on a similar data model encapsulated in a parent theme so that users can swap out child themes to try out new sites or new looks. This will take some more effort to achieve, so more on that at a later date.

A Concrete Example

Taking advantage of child theming requires some familiarity with theming itself to be used effectively. If you're already experienced with themes and want to see how one possible way to upgrade your themes to use this feature, the corresponding PR in the gatsby-theme-examples repo has also been merged.

Let's say you have a theme that contains a blog data model and some logic relating to how to render blog posts at specific pages, we'll call it gatsby-theme-blog-core. This theme renders JSON representations of blog posts at the relevant page locations instead of full UI because it's only meant to encapsulate the data model. We'll skip going over page creation logic in gatsby-node.js and instead focus on the following possible gatsby-config.js for the core theme.

Then we have another theme that handles applying a UI layer using to the core data model, gatsby-theme-blog. This theme is a child theme of gatsby-theme-blog-core and shadows the core theme's modules to render beautiful posts on each blog using any styling technology we want, like Emotion or Sass. Again, since this is a post on child theming itself we'll skip looking at how shadowing is applied to the parent and focus on one possible child theme gatsby-config.js.

Now that we've composed the original data model (with page creation logic) with the plugins and shadowed components to build the UI, any user can use our theme by specifying only the child in their gatsby-config.js.

The end result from a theme's composition view is that we apply the parent, then the child, then the user's site. This opens up a whole host of additional possibilities as child themes can have multiple parents or compose with each other. Data models for blogging and e-commerce can be combined into a usable child theme and distributed as a single npm package. Users don't need to know your theme is made up of multiple parents.

If we go back to our list of use cases, we can map each of them to a layer in this theme stack. The designer uses the child theme to make their own site (passing tokens into the theme config), the person proficient in HTML and CSS can shadow components from the core theme (using minimal React), and the Gatsby expert can craft custom data models for their specific use cases to compose with other models. Each link in the chain supports the next, allowing us to reveal complexity for people with different skillsets when they need it and not before.

Component Shadowing

The other major change that has landed is the only breaking change to themes so far. Based on feedback from the early adopters who have been authoring themes, we've changed Component Shadowing so that it now applies to the entire src/ directory instead of just the src/components directory. This change was made because of two key points of feedback:

  1. people had trouble remembering which folders got shadowed
  2. people who did remember, also wanted shadowing on templates and other, new directories (for example one for design tokens) that didn't belong in components

The fix for any currently existing theme users is to move any shadowed components from src/components/<theme-name> to src/<theme-name>/components.

What's next?

We are working on a roadmap post for themes which will give more insight into the future of theming, how we're approaching stability, and what we're working on next. Check back on the Gatsby blog to know when that is published.

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Early stage software product consultant. React*, Go, GraphQL, Containers, k8s.

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